BlockChain 101

BlockChain 101

Intro to the World of Web3..


Hey there! Everyone has heard of Crypto, right? We all have that one uncle who is a crypto hater and has declared it a fraud. But have you ever wondered how the world of crypto works? What is a blockchain? What is Web3? What is an NFT? Do not worry as today we begin our journey into the world of Crypto and Blockchain. Do tighten your seatbelts as we go into the world of Web3….

Block or Chain?

So here we are in the world of Web3, Let’s go meet our friend Blockchain. First, unfasten the seatbelt stupid! Okay, what do you think when you hear the word Blockchain? Block and Chain right? Superb that’s what it is about. Blockchain is essentially a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions on multiple computers in a secure and transparent manner. It is often referred to as a "chain" of blocks, hence the name "blockchain". Each block in the chain contains multiple transactions, and once a block is added to the chain, the information in that block is permanent and cannot be altered.

Why Blockchain?

One of the key features of blockchain is that it eliminates the need for a central authority or middleman to verify transactions. Instead, the network of computers on the blockchain operates on a consensus mechanism to validate transactions, making it highly secure and resistant to fraud and tampering.

What is Crypto then?

Now that we know that blockchain is basically a digital ledger and transaction platform. Cryptocurrency or Crypto is the digital currency that is used for doing these transactions on the internet. There are many types of Cryptocurrencies that run on different blockchains Bitcoin is the most popular followed by Ether etc.


Okay, let’s say you got interested in this space and want to buy some crypto but now you need someplace to store all your digital currency. How do you propose to do that? Here comes MetaMask which is one of the largest crypto wallets and is available across a lot of crypto networks. Installing MetaMask follows 3 main steps-

  1. Install and Add the Metamask extension on your preferred Browser.

  2. Go to Create a Wallet and create your Password.

  3. Next you’ll receive a Secret recovery Phrase be sure to store it safely as Metamask does not save your passwords and this is the only way to restore your account if you forget the password.

  4. And done you have successfully created your Metamask account.

Adding Shardeum Network

Once you have completed making your MetaMask wallet. Adding the Shardeum network is a very easy task

  1. Click the dropdown menu from The Ethernet Mainet 2.0 Tab and select “ Add network”

  2. Select Add a network manually

  3. Fill in the details in accordance with Shardeum Network 2.0 Endpoints and Add the network.

Access the endpoints through

Congrats! You have successfully acquired all the necessary tools required for this journey and are now ready to dive deeper into the world of Web3. Hope you liked this journey! See you soon.